Tigridia Pavonia Care And Growing Tips

Tigridia Pavonia Commonly known as a tiger flower, Tigridia Pavonia is a true masterpiece of nature. You can call it the treasure of beauty and elegance. From its shape to its beautiful colour combination everything is worth appreciating. This plant has extremely beautiful showy flowers that look like a funnel or a bulb. The flowers of this plant are arranged in two rows, the outer row has big curved petals, while the inner one has small spotted petals. Amazingly this flowering plant exists in so many different varieties and contrast of colours. Planting Tigridia Pavonia in your garden will be the most perfect and awesome choice. Let’s explore the features and characteristics of Tigridia Pavonia in detail. You will get to know about its planting, maintenance, environment and much more.


This flower belongs to kingdom Plantae

Tribe:  Its tribe is Tigridieae

Family: This flowering plant belongs to Iridaceae.

Genus: The genus of this plant is Tigridia Juss.

Order: Its order is Asparagales

Plant type: This is a beautiful flowering plant.

Colour: This plant can be found in several different colours including yellow, pink, orange etc.

Sun exposure: Tigridia always thrives for full bright sun but it can also tolerate partial shade in hot summers.

Blooming seasons:

The blooming seasons of this flowering plant are:

  • Mid SpringĀ 
  • Late SpringĀ 
  • Early Summer

Blooming period: This flowering plant has flowers that can live for only one day after its blooming. But luckily it produces so many glowers on one stalk that it blooms for a long time.

Watering: Its recommended to water the young plants on alternative days and mature plants can survive with occasional watering.

Suitable Environment: The best environment for Tigridia is moderate moist soil with perfect drainage. Besides that, it can be grown in sandy soil.

Suitable Place: This plant can be planted into a container but it’s best to plant it directly into the soil.

Size: This flowering plant is approximately 18 inches tall. 

Fragrance: There is no clear fragrance of this plant.

Propagation: This plant is extremely easy to propagate. Mostly this plant is propagated through cuttings. Just place the cuttings of plant 3in. deeper into the soil and wait for its magical growth. This plant will start establishing its roots in 2 weeks. And hopefully, this plant will produce flowers in the first year of planting. Don’t forget to water the baby plant on alternative days. The most suitable time for planting this flowering plant is early spring.

Disease and pests: Tigridia is mostly pest-free but it’s recommended to keep an eye on plants diseases like powdery mildews, root rot etc.

Fertilizing: This plant does not require any sprays or fertilizers. But it’s best to plant it in moist and fertile soil for proper growth.

Toxicity: This plant is not toxic for both humans and animals. Its roots are edible and consumed by Mexican people.

Characteristics of Tigridia Pavonia.

Here are some surprising facts and characteristics of this flowering plant that will convince you to plant this beautiful showy plant in your garden.

  • Tigridia Pavonia has a beautiful pattern of small spots that looks like the print of a tiger.
  • This plant is super easy to grow, there is no rocket science and complicated steps of its growth.
  • This is a showy and ornamental plant.
  • It’s easy to propagate.
  • The maintenance of this plant is super easy.
  • Its blooming time is long.

Conclusion:In a nutshell, Tigridia is the most suitable option out of all showy plants. Its amazing colours and the beautiful showy pattern is so enchanting and beautiful. Besides its beauty, its propagation is extremely easy. More its blooming period is also quite long. This is the best plant for those lazy people who love planting but don’t want to put themselves in trouble.

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